This is Saxon, our energetic little man who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was a week old. We gathered together many friends and family members and created Strides for Sax. Our mission is to raise money and create awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to find a cure for cf. This is all about Sax and our team's efforts for the cause. As of the creation of this blog, Saxon is 21 months old, has been hospitalized several times for pneumonia, and had undergone 3 surgeries since his first birthday.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Flash Me Friday Bloghop!!!

We're joining on a blog hop started by Jen at Groettum Family blog. We missed out on the first week - well, I was preoccupied. But now here we go!!

Here are Jen's guidelines for the hop!!

"What is a blog hop, you ask?

You’ll notice at the bottom of each Friday post there will be a bunch of links listed on a tool called, “MckLinky.” Here, other bloggers can link up and share their own Flash Me! Friday post. Therefore, you can hop from blog to blog to see what ideas fellow blog hoppers have on the same exact topic.
So, what is Flash Me! Friday, you ask? In the past, I’ve realized that
many of us “clean” up quickly so that the background of posted pictures makes it appear that we live in perfectly clean/organized homes.
the styles of homes across the country are awesomely different
everyone wonders if how they live is the norm…am I messier? cleaner? average?
we all love to be nosy…ie digging around in other people’s medicine cabinets!
So, how to politely be nosy take a quick glimpse into someone else’s life? Each week, I’ll randomly draw out “something” we’ll all be taking a picture of. Whether it’s your laundry room, inside your fridge, your bed (made…unmade?) etc. Each blog hop participant will take an unedited picture of that week’s topic. There will be NO cleaning/preparing the area for the picture, you have to take it as is. No one’s will be perfect!

The rules?

Must link back to my blog in your post
Must use the exact blog posts URL in the linky tool, not just the URL for your general blog
Feel free to join in, invite others, and get creative! Here’s to some fun hopping around!

Want to take a peek into someone else's life? Get nosy without being impolite?
Ever wonder...
What does their laundry room/family room/garage look like?
Do they make their bed every morning?
What kind of food do they have inside their fridge?
Is my house cleaner or messier than theirs?
Then please join in! Just add your blog post's URL at the end of the post so we can hop around and check out different aspects of your life and how you live!
This first Friday's flash of life is starting off simple and painless. But next week, we move will then be time to get personal!
Let's see where you live! "

Well, here goes!!

Here's our house

Apparently it was an AWFUL green color with a huge tree in the middle of the front yard when Scot bought the house!!  I didn't get a very good shot of the gardens... but we'll do that later!

And this week's peek - EEK!! - is into the bathroom... Remember, NO cleaning!!!  I LOVE our house, but I HATE the bathroom - Sorry, Pink ISN'T my color!!  And our bathroom is super small....

So I had to take pics from each side... and NO SHOWER... It's on our list of renovations 'todo!'  We love renovating and remodeling, so there are always projects going on in our house!!!


  1. I missed out on the first week as well. I know you say pink is not your color but it IS totally my color. Cool curtains. I'm glad she didn't say post pictures of the bathroom my son uses because it is a mess. =)

  2. Unfortunately we only have one bathroom. FORTUNATELY my husband expanded it's size as soon as he bought the house!! It WAS smaller than this!! Where the tall wooden shelf is used to be where the door closed right next to the toilet!!!
